Environmental protection


Thanks to the funds from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the European Regional Development Fund, OŻB implemented the project WKP_1/2.4.1/4/2006/21/113.

“Retrofitting of the dedusting system of cupola batteries with a cold blast in order to adapt to the requirements of the integrated permit and NDT in Odlewnia Żeliwa Bydgoszcz
Sp. z o.o.”

implemented under the Operational Programme ‘Increase of Economic Competitiveness’, 2004-2006, Priority 2: “Direct support for enterprises” Measure 2.4: “Support for enterprises in terms of adaptation of enterprises to environmental protection requirements”.

Dedusting of post-reaction gases from cupolas working alternately uses the dry dedusting method. The entire dedusting system consists of the following elements:

  • Installation of upper parts of cupolas automatically closed with tilting flaps;
  • Piping system equipped with automatically controlled dampers for switching lines from appropriate cupolas and intakes feeding cold air to the flue gas;
  • Extraction gas coolers;
  • Cyclone batteries;
  • Bag filter;
  • Exhaust fan;
  • Stack.


Dirty gases are collected from above the charging door in the cupolas’ stacks and then passed through the piping system, in which the flue gas is mixed with cold air and cooled to 500ºC, and the flue gas is discharged to the exhaust gas cooler.

The aim of the cooler is to reduce the flue gas temperature from 500ºC to 130ºC. The tubular cooler forms the first stage of dedusting. It is terminated with a chute closed with a two-flap duct. The flow of cooling air is forced by axial fans.

A cyclone battery is placed between the cooler and the filter. The cyclone battery primarily protects the filter against unburned dust and glowing sparks.

Another element of the system is a bag filter, selected for a maximum gas flow of 41,500 m3/h and the maximum temperature of 130ºC. The filter is terminated with two chutes closed with slotted locks and is equipped with compressed air regeneration. The filtration material is made up of the needleloom felt, resistant to mechanical damage.

Due to increased erosion potential of extracted gases, the filtration material has been surface-treated to increase the bag resistance.

Dust from all the dedusting facilities is discharged into the Big Bags and transported to a dumping site.


Dry dedusting consists of the following sub-assemblies:

  • exhaust fan,
  • a filter with a stack,
  • cyclone batteries,
  • exhaust ducts and clean air,
  • compressed air system,
  • dust collection system and control system.

The main device for air purification is the JET-SET bag filter, in which the air is cleaned of dust resulting from the preparation, formation and transport of moulding sand in the Foundry Plant.

Dusts precipitated in the filtering process fall into hoppers and further, through, using a screw conveyor, are fed into typical containers through the rotary valve.

The following extraction and dedusting systems have been connected to this system with the help of pipe connectors:

  • extraction and dedusting system: two coolers,
  • extraction and dedusting system one homogeniser,
  • extraction and dedusting system: conveyors transporting the moulding sand,
  • extraction and dedusting system: sand processing station.


The dry dedusting consists of the following sub-assemblies: an extraction fan, a filter with a stack, cyclone batteries, exhaust ducts and clean air, the compressed air system, dust collection system, and the control system. The main device for air purification is the JET-SET bag filter, in which the air is separated, cleaned of dust resulting from the preparation, formation and use of moulding sand in the Foundry Plant.

Dusts precipitated in the filtering process fall into hoppers and further, through, using a screw conveyor, are fed into typical containers through the rotary valve. The following extraction and dedusting systems have been connected to this system with the help of pipe connectors:

  • extraction and dedusting system: two Disamatic moulding lines,
  • extraction and dedusting system: tipping grates


The foundry made an investments in creation of a separate system for discharge of household sewage and a separate system for the discharge and management of rainwater. Through a separate sewer, rainwater is discharged into tanks, where it is purified, and then used for production purposes in the Foundry. Any surplus of purified water is discharged into the soil.